This app allows you to create a 360° video from your raw fish-eye video and upload it to YouTube, including adding the video tags for 360° YouTube videos.
You can render your videos or simply tag them with the required 360° meta-data and upload them to your YouTube account with only a few clicks with this app.
360Tube takes raw video / image footage from a fish-eye camera with one or multiple lens and creates a single equi-rectangular video from it and saves it to YouTube to view it as an interactive 360° video.
Out off the box we support Samsung Gear 360, EleCam 360, Ricoh Theta S, and PanoView.
However the camera settings are fully configurable through a graphical interface. This will allow you to use any fisheye camera with 360Tube.
This app includes the following features:
- 360° video rendering on your phone
- 360° fast rendering on your PC
- Upload your 360° video to YouTube
- Injecting your videos with the required 360° tags
- Built in file browser
- 360° video viewer
- Standard 2D video viewer
- Visual adjustments of the render attributes
- Render single or dual-lens raw material
- Download of raw test video material
- Render to different 360° video resolutions
Once you configure the Yaw, Roll, and Pitch of the recorded video you can start the rendering process either on your Android device itself, on your Home PC ( Additional application needs to be installed ) or in the cloud.
这个程序允许您为从生鱼眼视频制作360°的视频和上传到YouTube ,包括增加360°YouTube影片标签。
出关闭盒我们支持的三星齿轮360 , ELECAM 360 ,使用Ricoh Theta小号和 PanoView 的。
- 在手机上的 360°视频呈现
- 的 360°PC上快速呈现
- 的上传您的360°视频的到YouTube
- 注射您与视频所需要的 360°标记的
- 内置的文件浏览器
- 的 360°视频观看者的
- 标准的 2D视频观看者的
- 的视觉调节的渲染属性
- 渲染的单或双镜头的原料
- 原料的测试视频的下载的材料
- 渲染为不同360°的视频分辨率